Why do male papillomas form in men and how are they treated?

Papillomas are swollen formations that appear on a person's skin and mucous membranes. They are not really a disease, but only serve as an external manifestation of infection in the body with HPV - human papillomavirus.

Papillomaviruses exist in many different strains, some of which are dangerous because tumors have the properties of malignant transformations, that is, they can turn into malignant tumors.

The reasons for the appearance of papillomas on the penis

male reproductive system and papillomas of the penis

Papillomas are benign forms of the skin or mucous membranes of the wart.

Human papillomavirus is transmitted in several ways, from the sick to the healthy. The main method is sexual, with unprotected intercourse. But you can "get" the virus at home, by contact with the carrier, if there are health defects on the body or mucous membranes, through blood and other fluids that are infected by the virus.

It is rather difficult to "eliminate" a virus that has already entered the body completely, but in about 90% of cases an independent cure emerges, that is, the immune system itself "kills" the virus. However, in some cases, the disease takes on a recurring nature and can last for many years.

Particular danger is posed by strains with a capacity for malignancy, that is to say, tumors turn into malignancies.

HPV has a long culture time, with strong immunity, it can last from month to year.

But when the immune system is weak, it will immediately show up. The characteristics of its presence are formations on the body and mucous membranes, which can be round, oval or oblong in shape and vary in size, from a few millimeters to a few centimeters.

More than 600 strains of the virus are known in medicine, of which more than 40 can cause genital and rectal tumors in men and women. There are those that cause papillomas on the penis, which are called genital warts.

Some papillomas are harmless to human health, others can cause irritating cosmetic defects - warts, and still others threaten the body with the most dangerous disease - cancer. There are medical indications between cervical and breast cancer that develop through infection with certain HPV strains.

If a virus that can cause genital papillomas enters the body, then the main route for its entry is considered to be sexual. Unresolved relationships, bisexuality, and homosexual relationships are especially dangerous. But the virus may well be congenital - the fetus is infected when it passes through the birth canal of an infected mother. There is also a risk of infection in skin lesions when you visit the swimming pool, public toilet, bath, sauna, gym, during epilepsy, shaving.

Signs and symptoms of the disease

groin pain with papillomas on the penis

Symptoms depend on the location, number and size of papillomas.

Most often, papillomas on the penis affect the head of the organ, "settle" along the foreskin, form clusters on the bridle and may even enter the urethra.

With a strong spread of papillomas take the form of "cauliflower", during intercourse, urination can be injured, hurt and even bleed.

As this is a viral disease, the period of induction of papilloma growth is accompanied by a sharp decrease in immunity. A person experiences weakness, drowsiness, his body temperature may rise, he usually stays at a temperature (37 - 37, 5 ° C). As immunity is impaired, an infected person can easily catch a cold and "get" ARVI and ARI.

The proliferation of papillomas can lead to phimosis - narrowing of the foreskin.

Due to this condition, a special lubricant accumulates on the head of the penis - smegma. Its infection can lead to the development of a dangerous disease, therefore, if even single papillomas are found, there is an urgent need to consult a doctor. Individual tumors can be removed very quickly and almost painlessly, preventing their growth and high risk of degeneration in malignant tumors.

Necessary exams and tests

The presence of papilloma is determined visually by the doctor, but other tests are needed to explain the strain and how dangerous it is for the patient. The patient donates blood for typing by PCR, a Digene screening test, and is examined for sexually transmitted diseases, as in the vast majority of cases HPV is "combined" with sexually transmitted diseases.

If papillomas are suspected to enter the urethra, a urethral scan is performed. Your doctor may prescribe a biopsy if the growth is too much or if your doctor suspects that the cancer is starting to develop in a cancerous tumor.

Methods of treating and removing papillomas

see a doctor for papillomas on the penis

It is impossible to completely remove human papillomavirus from the infected person's body, sometimes it stays in it until the patient's life ends. Anti-HPV drugs are the use of antiviral drugs and immunosuppressants that stimulate the activity of an individual's own immune system.

Basically, doctors' actions aim to eliminate the external evidence of the presence of a virus, namely the papillomas themselves, warts and genital warts.

Only in the case of cancerous degeneration, complex treatment is used, which includes surgery and the use of chemotherapy to eliminate the risk of tumor spread.

To remove papillomas on the penis, the following treatments are used:

  1. Surgery.
  2. Electric coagulation.
  3. Removes formations with solvent (neodymium or carbon dioxide).
  4. Cryodestruction - the destruction of a tumor by liquid nitrogen. Antifreeze or spray can be applied.
  5. Cleaning with materials.

In most cases, the use of these methods is sufficient to remove the papilloma and prevent it from reappearing.

The treatment method is chosen by the doctor according to the stage of injury, the type of tumor, the patient's health and his age.

It is a specialized vaccine used for women to prevent the most dangerous disease - squamous cell carcinoma or cervical cancer. It has been proven to be caused by one of the most dangerous strains of human papillomavirus, as the presence of HPV in the body does not cause this type of cancer.

Unfortunately, there is no vaccine today that can prevent infection with other types of human papillomavirus, including those that induce the appearance of growth on close male organs. The only effective way of protection is still the use of condoms during sexual intercourse, in addition to maintaining personal hygiene, careful consideration for possible infection in public places.

Prospects and possible complications

pain with papillomas on the penis

Doctors concluded that in 90% of all cases of HPV infection, if a person has strong immunity, the body successfully responds to the virus within 24 months. However, this study only applies to certain human papillomavirus strains, which are not capable of causing cancer.

The most dangerous complication should be considered malignant, that is, the transformation of papilloma into cancer. But only a fraction of HPV strains have such properties. Tragic consequences can be prevented with early access to medical care and timely diagnosis.

In rare cases, after papilloma has been removed, tumors can form on and around the scar tissue if the virus actively multiplies in the patient's body due to weak immunity. In such a situation will repeatedly remove the papillomas and comprehensive strengthening of the patient's immunity to prevent further growth of the images.

In most cases, the prognosis is positive if the disease has not progressed too far. But this rarely happens with genital warts, as their development causes the man serious discomfort and he quickly turns to doctors.